

I say it a lot, but once more couldn’t hurt – thanks to all of you for buying into the idea of this here little site. I think we’re making it stronger and better all the time, and it’s just barely six months old. Keep it up, and to those lurkers with movie blogs who haven’t joined yet, what are you waiting for?

15 thoughts on “Thassalottalambs!

  1. Doesn’t count – 100 sites joined. That’s all that matters.

    Goddamn turd in the punchbowl (note to self: think twice before inviting Nick to a party…). 😉

  2. Man… Nick!! Youz a hater! 🙂

    That reminds me of the time I gave my homecoming date a corsage and she said “It’s so small…”.

  3. Woo hoo to 100 blogs!

    Fletch has done a great job organizing the LAMB and making it a fun place to be. Three cheers and many thanks to him for all the time and effort.

  4. Aw crap, I was hoping to be #100. My banner’s up, but I’m not an official LAMB yet. (*sniffle*)

    But #101’s just as cool. (You hear that, Fletch?) 🙂

    And yeah, LAMB is a great idea that’s turning out beatifully.

  5. Well done Fletch and fellow LAMBS.

    Along with a couple of others on this comment board I too am just glad to be a part of this. You’re doing a great job Fletch, long may it continue.

  6. Well, Roy, turns out you get to be LAMB #100 after all. Glad to have someone there that wants to be there, to boot. Welcome!

    To the rest of you, thanks! (Still trying to figure out that whole rating system thing…)

  7. Fletch… for a rating system… what about something like they have at imdb, where you can click your own rating… but you have to be a LAMB and sign in to rate. And then for all the people who vote, they can also submit their reviews to show snippets of (like at Rotten Tomatoes).

    Though instead of stars or tomatoes… they’d be little lambs.

  8. Nick, that’s pretty much exactly what I want for any kind of LAMB ratings…the problem is implementation within the Blogger template. I’d settle for something more rudimentary, but haven’t come up with how to do that, either.

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