
Best Impression of J.D. Salinger
This category, meant to award the blogger who may not post much, but makes sure that the few posts that come are worth the wait, was the 13th most active category, with 42 total votes spread to 32 sites by 24 voters. The winner took the trophy while receiving a vote from 16.7% of the voters, the lowest percentage of all the categories. In other words, it was a tight race!

The envelope please…

3rd place (tie): Ferdy on Films (2 votes)
3rd place (tie): Movie Reviews (such as they are) (2 votes)
3rd place (tie): Sarahnomics (2 votes)
3rd place (tie): Talking a Lot Without Ever Really Saying Anything (2 votes)
3rd place (tie): Watch It (2 votes)

2nd place: DC Girl @ the Movies (3 votes)

And the winner, with 4 votes is…

Diary of a Mad Film Fan

Your banner will be emailed to you after all the awards have been presented. Congratulations!

5 thoughts on “The winner of the 2008 LAMMY for Best Impression of J.D. Salinger is…

  1. So is this how it’s gonna go? Fletch makes the announcement and Nick congratulates them and tries to recall if he voted for them?

    Works for me.

  2. How bout we start over and see how much differently the votes turn out? Sounds like fun, huh?


    I didn’t think so.

  3. Thanks for the votes, guys. It’s almost like a gentle reminder that I am waaaay behind with my movie blogging. Some good ones coming up, though…

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