LAMB MOTM Suggestions Reminder-June

This is just a reminder that your submissions for our first MOTM event are due by 12:00 p.m. (CST) tomorrow (Saturday). I’ve already received quite a few film suggestions that cover a vast array of genres, but if you’d like to add your two cents, email me your submission with your site name to rachelcminyard@hotmail.com. See a list of rules here.

I will draw the lucky winner out of a hat (and by hat I mean my lucky martini glass) and announce the MOTM on Sunday, which gives everyone 3 weeks to participate.

And we still don’t have a permanent title for the event just yet, though some ideas are being thrown around on the forum. So any suggestions for the event’s title will be welcome also.


(Edit from Fletch – I’ve added a poll in the sidebar for the event title based on some suggestions that have been received. It will be up for a week.)

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