LAMB Movie of the Month

Hello fellow LAMBs. Rachel here from Rachel’s Reel Reviews. We’re kicking off a new monthly LAMB event and I’ll be your hostess. So, for your consideration, behold the Lamb Movie of the Month (working title until further notice).

The Plan:

1. The first week of every month LAMBs will submit their suggestion for a possible movie for everyone to watch and review.

2. Anyone who wants to participate will have 3 weeks to get the movie, watch it, review it and send in the link to your review.

3. On the last day of the month I will post all participants’ links to their reviews for everyone else to enjoy.

And it’s that simple.

Now for some rules:

1. Please only suggest movies that are on dvd.

2. Please suggest only one movie per month. I will take the suggestions and draw a title at random, but it will be tiresome if I get 5 suggestions from each LAMB.

3. Please suggest movies that are easy to find. Not everyone has a Netflix account and we need movies that will be easy to find at the local video store, because we want as much participation as possible.

Okay, those are the only rules I have for now, but that’s subject to change.

I will now be taking your suggestions for the June MOTM. Please email your movie suggestions, with the name of your site, to me at rachelcminyard@hotmail.com. You have until noon (CST) this Saturday June 7th to throw in your two cents. I will announce the movie on Sunday, which will give us just over three weeks.

Also, we are looking for ideas for a possible title for this monthly event. So if you’re feeling particularly creative today, send me those suggestions as well. I’m looking forward to having a full inbox by the end of the day.


6 thoughts on “LAMB Movie of the Month

  1. Sent in my pick, as well. If it’s chosen, everyone’s probably gonna hate Jason.


    <.< No, seriously. My movie is awesome. (Hate Jason!) >.>


  2. Oooh, fun idea! I think it’d be cool in the future if we had genres so people could have an idea of what to suggest/expect. Examples could be broad like horror, action, or more specific like female underdogs or killing sprees.

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