
4 thoughts on “LAMBScores: You Don’t Mess With the Zohan

  1. Much easier to read – thanks Fletch. Quick question though – how long will all lamb score voting be open for new releases? Just the first week? It usually takes me until the second weekend to see most movies, so I was just curious how quickly I had to try to get my post up to make the Lambscore!

  2. Jess: Fletch said on the forums that there’s about a week or so after the movie is released to get a review out for it.

    If you wanna argue about changing that, though, you’ll have to talk to him 😛 .

  3. Yeah, ideally, I’d like to get them up by the following Thursday or Friday at the latest, as *most* people have their reviews up for a wide release by then. For smaller movies, I may wait longer, though.

    @ Mike (and Mrs. Fletch, and Colleen, and…) – okay, I give up. I’ve changed it to show only the ratings that were submitted. I don’t like it as much this way, but the people have spoken…

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