Some good participation from our latest poll, as 50 votes were cast. I’m not terribly surprised by the results, but I am quite glad/surprised to see that 5 sites are getting more than 500 visitors a day. Hey, you five – how about sharing some tips on your success with your LAMB brethren and sisthren?
Mostly, I’m just curious as to who you are. Being the proud LAMB parent, I’m familiar at least somewhat with most of the sites. I could easily venture some guesses as to which sites I think garner that kind of traffic, but I have no idea who voted, so who knows. Please reveal yourself! The same goes for the four of you that answered “0-10.” We need to get you noticed, and pronto!
The new poll is up, and takes a look at the LAMB itself. Should you have any comments related to the poll, put them here or go to the LAMB Forums (aka the place where all the magic happens).
Hi ! Great site. I have a website about movie reviews and would like to exchange links with you. Check it out adn let me know if you’re interested.
Hi, I’ve one of the blogs reporting in 500+ and so, as asked, am reporting in.
The blog is Taliesin Meets the Vampires and the stats were gathered via feedburner. Now my stats do peek and trough, I was hitting such levels at the beginning of the year and then settled down to a 250-300 average visitors per pay. At the beginning of the month this shot back up again to an average 810 daily visitors for June with an average 1470 page views.
I also managed an all time high of 1909 visitors in one day with 3125 page views.
How? I do have a small but loyal readership – that could never account for the numbers, but a lot of the traffic is coming via google – often image search. I do like to put a lot of images with a review and the blog has a narrow focus, which probably builds into a niche search.
huh… a minimum of 250-300 is a SMALL readership? I wish…
Also… if your’s is one… and I know Final Girl will be another one… that’s two horror movie blogs… hmm…
nick, I guess I wasn’t clear, apologies. The small but loyal readership I mentioned isn’t the 250-300, a lot of that will be random traffic. However there are a number of folks who come by regularly that I know of – probably 20 or so.
The genre is probably a factor – and the images I put on attract a lot of google searches (I had 7754 hits from google image search over the last 30 days)
I’m one of the three … frankly, I’m surprised more LAMBs aren’t up there.
I do get a lot of Google image search links (posting pictures of hot actors like Ryan Reynolds and Channing Tatum with their shirts off will do that), but my traffic stays pretty consistent in that range.
I do do some networking, such as posting links on various message boards and the like. I also have a MySpace page to drive traffic. And I post pretty consistantly/frequently, on average 3-4 posts a day.
Plus, I like to think I serve an underserved niche in movie sites. Not just the gay aspect, but also a mixture of classic and current movies, with a bit of TV and theater stuff thrown in every once and awhile for good measure.
– kch
I’m one of the five. It took me more than 2 years to get the readership I have now. It’s a matter of getting out and making it known to the film world that you exist. Posting and linking have been a great help to me. Participating in blogathons works, too. When places like GreenCine Daily start noticing your content, it help legitimize you. I and my blog partner try to post the highest-quality content we can, and I think that is the biggest help. If you get people to look at you and then don’t give them anything to think about or make the interested in your viewpoint and film selections, then what’s the point of mere numbers.
Most of all, I love doing Ferdy on Films. That comes through, too.
Taliesin, Kirby and Marilyn – thanks for sharing your success stories. I think you all have a lot to offer the LAMB sites in terms of running a successful blog, and I’m glad to have you as members.