
It has been a tradition here on the LAMBcast, that the hosts get to choose the films nominated for MOTM in their Birthday Month. Since I am now the sole host, this only happens once a year and it happens in February. This year, I have decided that all the films up for selection will be blind spots for me. I also decided to highlight exactly how old I am by including a film from every decade that I have lived (except the current one) I hope you will enjoy the options and pick a film everyone will like talking about.

Kind Hearts and Coronets (U.S. Release 1950)

Alec Guinness plays Eight Parts in this 50s era Comedy

El Cid (1961)

A 60s Epic That I Somehow Missed

A Woman Under the Influence (1974)

Yes there are some 70s Movies I still need to see

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)

I remember the Controversy, but I never saw the film

The Game (1997)

Yes, there is a Fincher Film we can Consider

The Notebook (2004)

OK, sue me, I never saw it

Inherent Vice (2014)

A Decade Old, and I still need to catch up

Poll Closes February 3. Show is scheduled for February 9.

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