
Well we had the same turn out this month as we did last month for Nausicaa. At least we’re not losing numbers. This month Eurotrip, suggested by Nick at R2D2, was the selection. Check out what all five of us had to say.

Reel Whore
Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob
No Smoking in the Skullcave
The Flick Chick


Rachel’s Reel Reviews

Thank you to all LAMBs who reviewed this month’s film. The feelings were quite off balance, but maybe I was just in a bad mood when I watched it (but I wasn’t).

I’m not naming a new film for October today. I’ve decided to start taking suggestions again. Originally I was going to draw out of the suggestions for up to 6 months (since I had 17 the first time around), but, in hopes of boosting participation and to give new LAMBs a chance, I’ve decided to accept more title suggestions. The only rules are the film must be on dvd, it must be easy to find and only one suggestion per participating LAMB (and yes, you must be a LAMB). Anyway, I’m giving everyone till October 10th to get their preferred titles to me. And then the drawing will begin again and I’ll announce the October MOTM. Email title suggestions to me at rachelcminyard@hotmail.com. Please have LAMB MOTM in the subject line and please let me know your site.

If you submitted a title back in June and want to keep it in the pot, don’t do anything. I’ll just assume that you still want your film considered. If you want to change or withdraw your title, please let me know.

If you’re not really sure what all this MOTM talk is about, check related posts here, or email me with questions.


4 thoughts on “LAMB MOTM September: Eurotrip

  1. I really need to stop being such a procrastinator, as I really wanted to take part in this this time.

    I’ve seen parts/much of Eurotrip, but not for a while. I’d have most likely been the lone soul in the middle – I recall it being kinda fun at times, while being really dumb at others. In other words, just like Road Trip, only not as inspired and with a less likable and charismatic cast.

    But like I said…it’s been a while.

  2. I tried to see it from my 18 year old mind (around the time Roadtrip came out), but I just couldn’t get there. Oh well, I’ve always been a rebel…

    Hey, what’s with the word verification on the comments? I thought you hated those, Fletch?

  3. Yes, I do hate word verification, and sorry.

    I was getting a bit of a spam bombing for a few days there, so I reluctantly turned it on. I think it’s safe to turn it off again – thanks for the reminder. If I get hit again, it’ll be back on, though.

  4. My problem was that the last two films wasn’t something that I could really get into wanting to write a film review for. I had sat down to watch both of these films, but I had a difficult time writing the article. Sorry.

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