3 Lambs
The Dark of the Matinee
Bitchin’ Film Reviews
2.5 Lambs
Shea of the Dead

Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (4 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
(I know, the median doesn’t really work here. I don’t know what to put, so I’m rounding up.)

Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating/review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).

4.5 Lambs
4 Lambs
Bitchin’ Film Reviews
3.5 Lambs
The Dark of the Matinee
.5 Lambs

Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (4 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
(Yeah. Same deal here. Anyone know what to do with medians when you have two and they’re different?)

Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating/review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).

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