Invasion of the Lambs #10

by Dylan · November 24, 2008 · Invasion of the Lambs · 7 Comments

Many sites have screencap quizzes, but how many are invaded by LAMBs? Every so often, I’ll post a screen shot, only the actors heads will be “lambed out” – all you gotta do is name the film and the bodies that the lambs have overtaken.

It’s a holiday week (in America). What a perfect time for a Lamb Invasion!

WaywardJam managed to double his point total last time we played, but I don’t know if it was worth it. Now he owes Piper a favor that Piper might call on at any time, any place, and Piper is not someone I’d want pulling Godfather-esque moves on me.

Fox (Tractor Facts): 4
WaywardJam (Reel Whore): 2
Joseph (Cinexcellence): 1
Dean (filmicability with Dean Treadway): 1
Norma Desmond (The Flick Chick): 1