
Before we get started, a PSA for all the LAMBs out there (but especially the noobies). In case you aren’t aware, you can submit your reviews/links for new releases at the LAMB forums at any time. Threads for individual movies are open for roughly 4-5 weeks before the aggregated links are posted here. So get in on some free link love, promote your site, and make these scores all that much more meaningful. Thanks!

3.5 Lambs
Reel Whore
Cut. Print. Review.
2.5 Lambs
Bitchin’ Film Reviews

Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (3 sites)
Median LAMBScore:

Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating/review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).

3.5 Lambs
2.5 Lambs
Cut. Print. Review.
2 Lambs
Lair of the Green Knight
1 Lambs
Shea of the Dead
Bitchin’ Film Reviews
The Critical Critics
The Film Cynics

Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (7 sites)
Median LAMBScore:

Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating/review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).

2 thoughts on “LAMBScores: Sex Drive and Max Payne

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