What’s up everybody? This is Jason over at Invasion of the B Movies. I have hacked into the LAMB to tell everybody that whether you like it or not, I will be the new master and commander of the world of The LAMB Chops! Mu ha ha ha ha and stuff.
No but seriously, I will be taking over Chops duty until Blake gets out of prison or NASA or whatever it is and under my reign we shall….do nothing NOT too much different.
There will still be Chops on Tuesdays, but on Saturdays we will be doing Bloody Chops, the all horror LAMB Chops! Sounds like fun, huh? So here’s what I need from YOU:
-Send in your chops by Monday so they can be posted on Tuesday. These are going to be the regular chops for non-horror movie sites.
-Send in your BLOODY chops by Friday so they can be posted on Saturday. These are going to be the horror movie chops for horror sites.
Got it? Send them to the usual email (weeklylambchops@gmail.com) and they will be posted. Sound good? Good. Any questions? Leave a comment or send an email to me (invasionofthebmovies at gmail dot com) and it shall be taken care of.
Thank and have a nice day!
PS: It would be helpful if you guys could use the same format to send in your chops so I know whos/what’s who/what. That would be:
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted By:
And depending on how many I get, I’ll try to cap it at 10 since it’s one regular LAMB Chops per week now. Now I’m done.
Hi! Jason,
I will be taking over Chops duty until Blake gets out of prison or NASA or whatever it is and under my reign we shall….do nothing NOT too much different.
LOL!(Laugh Out Loud) I’am prone to think he (Blake) is busy at NASA.
Thanks, for the updates too…
DeeDee ;-D