Site: Marshall and the Movies
Post Title: Summer Movie Survival Guide
Submitted By: Marshall of “Marshall and the Movies”
Site: This Guy Over Here
Post: Top 10 Comedies of the 2000’s
Submitted by: This Guy Over Here
Site: Four of Them
Post: Thoughts on Iron Man 2
Submitted by: Four of Them
Site: Cinema Obsessed
Post: The First Person Perspective
Submitted by: Cinema Obsessed
Site Name: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Post: Robinson Crusoe (1954)
Submitted by: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Site: Only Good Movies
Post: 10 Good Robin Hood Movies
Submitted by: Only Good Movies
Site: jdbrecords
Post: “I’m Swimming Home”
Submitted by: jdbrecords
Site: The 8th Circuit
Post: Matt Rantbox: Iron Man 2
Submitted by: The 8th Circuit
Site Name: SciFiDrive
Post Title: Star Wars Blogathon 2010
Submitted by: SciFiDrive
Site Name: Let’s Not Talk About Movies
Post Title: Now I’ve Seen Everything Dept: Steven Spielberg
Submitted by: Mad Hatter
If your submission wasn’t posted, then it’ll be used next week. Thanks to everybody who sent links in. Now I need Bloody Chops for Saturday, so horror blogs, start a-bloggin!!
Question: What exactly is Lamb Chops? What are you looking for in submissions?
Just posts that you think are so awesome you want the entire world to see/read them. They can be something you wrote or, perferably, something someone else wrote. That’s about it really.
What happened to Choice Chops?
I wasn’t a fan of the Choice Chops, having to single out just one link like that, so Fletch said I didn’t have to do it if I didn’t want to. If Blake returns and he wants to bring it back, it’s on him.
Thanks to “Mad Hatter” for submitting one of my posts this week. Is it bad form to point out that it is the ONLY one not submitted by the original authors? (a-HEM!)