Ok, I checked the email before doing the post and not only did I have like 9 or 10 left over from last week but I had at least 5 more. So for this week only I’m gonna extend it to 15 Chops. What’s even crazier? I still got some left cause some people sent in two or three (or more) links and I’m trying to be fair here, ya know? Also, I have noticed a sharp decline in people sending in links from sites OTHER THAN their own. I hope this changes in the future.
Site Name: The Dark of the Matinee
Back to Basics-The General
Submitted by: Let’s Not Talk About Movies
Site Name: Four of Them
On A Scene: Romeo + Juliet
Submitted by: Four of Them
Site Name: gmanreviews
Cowboy Marathon – The Magnificent Seven (1960)
Submitted by: gmanreviews
Site Name: Phil on Film
Dennis Hopper: 1936-2010
Submitted by: Phil on Film
Site Name: Just Plain Something
30 Years of Empire Strikes Back
Submitted by: Just Plain Something
Site Name: Just Chick Flicks
Submitted By: Just Chick Flicks
Site Name: Magic Lantern Film Blog
The Top 10 Worst ‘Best Picture’ Oscar Winners Ever!
Submitted by: Magic Lantern Film Blog
Site Name: Top10Films
Top 10 Dustin Hoffman Films
Submitted by: Top10Films
Site Name: The 8th-Circuit
Movie Trailer Monday: John Lennon, Megamind, and Cannes’ Palme d’Or
Submitted by: The 8th-Circuit
Site Name: Movie Mobsters
Fifty Greatest Movie Villains
Submitted by: Movie Mobsters
Site Name: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Long John Silver (1954)
Submitted by: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Site Name: Japan Cinema
Top 10 Asian Action Stars
Submitted by: Japan Cinema
Site Name: CinemaObsessed.com
The 89 Second Review: Shrek Forever After
Submitted by: CinemaObsessed.com
Site Name: Chuck Norris Ate My Baby
Denim Demigod
Submitted by: Chuck Norris Ate My Baby
Site Name: The Final Oscar
Smackdown 1995: Best Picture
Submitted by: Let’s Not Talk About Movies
If you’d like to send in a chop for ANOTHER SITE, send them to weeklylambchops@gmail.com using the following format:
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted by: (Perferably the name of your LAMB/web site)
Also send in BLOODY CHOPS, anything horror related, to bloodychops@gmail.com and those will be posted on June 5th, an important date in the history of horror. Kinda. Please use the same format as above. Any questions, leave it as a comment and me or Fletch will get to them. Thank you.
Are non-LAMB members okay? I’m sure this has been answered somewhere, but I can’t read, which can be a bit of an issue as a blogger.
Nay. ‘Fraid not.
My first Lamb Chop! Hopefully more where that came from. I especially liked Movie Mobsters Top 50 Movie Villains this month – some really memorable characters and the list doesn’t stick to obvious choices.