
The Late Night Edition…ok not really. I just forgot today was Tuesday until now. Better late than never.

Site Name: Java’s Journey
Julie Andrews sings Noël Coward’s ‘Parisian Pierrot’ in Star! (1968)
Submitted By: Does Writing Excuse Watching

Site Name: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn (1983)
Submitted By: Cold Fusion Video Reviews

Site Name: Magic Lantern Film Blog
Some thoughts on the New Animated Film, “My Dog Tulip”
Submitted by: Magic Lantern Film Blog

Site Name: FlixChatter
A superhero movie I’d like to see: The Flash
Submitted By: FlixChatter

Site Name: Top10Films
25 Films to make you happy
Submitted by: Top10Films

Site Name: Rachel’s Reel Reviews
Monday’s Movie Review: Social Network
Submitted By: Insight Into Entertainment

If YOU want to send in a LAMB Chop, and you are a LAMB, you can do the following:
1. Email me at weeklylambchop@gmail.com
2. Use this format:
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted By
3. Have them sent in by midnight Monday night, EST.
4. Make sure you, or the blog you are sending a link of, is a LAMB, or a pending LAMB. If pending, I will consult with Fletch and he’ll verify with me. It’s like getting a gun permit in a way.

We also do a All Horror version called Bloody Chops. It being Halloween seasons, we should be SWAMPED with Bloody Chops from ALL OVER THE PLACE! You can do the same thing but send those to bloodychops@gmail.com and have those in by midnight Friday night, EST.


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