
Site Name: Just Plain Something
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Review
Submitted by: Just Plain Something

Site Name: jdbrecords
“Eat Pray Love” Review
Submitted by: jdbrecords

Site Name: Top10Films
Godfather V Godfather 2
Submitted by: Top10Films

Site Name: Via Margutta 51
Movie Genres Workshop: Class #1 “Film Noir”
Submitted By: Does Writing Excuse Watching?

If you want to send in a LAMB Chop for next week, use this format:
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted By:

And send them in to weeklylambchops@gmail.com

You, and the site you are submitting, must be a LAMB or a pending LAMB. I will ask Dylan about any pending LAMBs. Have them sent in by midnight Monday night, EST.

Also, we do a All-Horror version called Bloody Chops. So if you run, like to read, a horror site, send in those to bloodychops@gmail.com by midnight Friday night, EST.

Any questions can be sent to the email(s) or the comments. Thanks!

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