Bitchin’ Film Reviews
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
The Ludovico Technique
The Flick Chick
John Likes Movies
The Morning Thunder Buffalo
The Dark of the Matinee
Le Mot du Cinephiliaque
Marshall and the Movies
Movies You Should (Die Before You) See
Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (15 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
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Careful with That Blog, Eugene
Random Ramblings of a Demented Doorknob
Film Forager
Radiator Heaven
Not Just Movies
Watching the Detectives
The Most Beautiful Fraud in the World
Cinema Sights
Temple of Reviews
A Life in Equinox: a movie lover’s journal
Average LAMBScore out of five, rounded to nearest half-LAMB: (13 sites)
Median LAMBScore:
Submissions for this film are now closed. To submit your rating & review for other new releases, visit the LAMB Forums (must be an existing LAMB to join).