
Site Name: Stop the Planet of the Apes… I want to get off
Prestige (2006) and why it is better then second time around!
Submitted By: Site Name: Stop the Planet of the Apes… I want to get off

Site Name: Nevermind Pop Film
Armond White or: How I Learned to Stop Caring and Ignore the Troll
Submitted By: Movie Reviews by Tom Clift

Site Name: Cold Fusion Video Reviews
Monsters (2010)
Submitted By: Cold Fusion Video Reviews

Site Name: Anomalous Material
Eight Actors Who Deserve Better Roles
Submitted By: Anomalous Material

If you want to submit a LAMB Chop, send them to weeklylambchops@gmail.com using the following format:
Site Name:
Post Title:
Submitted By:

And have them in by midnight Monday night, EST. We also do a all-horror edition called Bloody Chops. Send those chops in to bloodychops@gmail.com and those need to be in by midnight Friday night, EST.


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