We have finally come to the end of the road for the 4th Annual LION Awards. With participation from 48 voters, here are the Best 10 Films of 2010:
10. 127 Hours – 76 points
9. The Fighter – 81 points
8. True Grit – 91 points
7. The King’s Speech – 94 points
6. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – 125 points
5. Winter’s Bone – 130 points
4. Toy Story 3 – 144 points
3. The Social Network – 230 points
2. Inception – 254 points
1. Black Swan – 267 points
A big thank you to everyone who voted, for one category or all of them. I’ll have a poll up within the next couple of days to gauge how everyone felt about the experience overall.
Also if you haven’t kept up with the annual LAMB Devours the Oscars feature which concluded yesterday, take a look a some of the wonderful editorials written by fellow LAMBs here. And a big thank you to Jess for running it this year.
And lastly if you entered your name into the annual Oscars Contest, Mikey (another big thank you deserved) will have the results up in the next few days, and some excellent prizes to hand out.
Again, thanks to to everyone who participated in these events. They’ll be back next year. So now go enjoy the Oscars!
I’m really happy Scott Pilgrim got so much love from my fellow LAMBs. Loved that movie.
Definitely a good list of nominees, although I’m a little disappointed they mirror the Oscar nominees so closely. Did films like EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP, MOTHER or ANIMAL KINGDOM get many votes?
Kschenke-I was pleasantly surprised when I realized Scott Pilgrim was going to land in our Top 10.
Tom-They all did get a fair amount, and the final point tally was in the upper 30s for all of them. In fact Mother made two or three people’s No. 1 spot.
Wow, shocked to see the top ten mirror the Oscar ten so closely…with only “The Kids Are All Right” missing out.