Posts Tagged ‘Top 10s’

  • The 4th Annual LION Awards: Best Films of 2010

    by Rachel · Feb 27, 2011 at 23:51 CET · LIONs for LAMB · 4 Comments
    The 4th Annual LION Awards: Best Films of 2010

    We have finally come to the end of the road for the 4th Annual LION Awards. With participation from 48 voters, here are the Best 10 Films of 2010:

    10. 127 Hours – 76 points
    9. The Fighter – 81 points
    8. True Grit – 91 points
    7. The King’s Speech – 94 points
    6. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – 125 points
    5. Winter’s Bone –...

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  • Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 9 Chick Flicks

    by Rachel · Jan 7, 2011 at 1:16 CET · LIONs for LAMB · 6 Comments
    Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 9 Chick Flicks

    Do you even remember this one? It sorta got lost in the shuffle when Dylan stepped down and I took over back in October. Actually, it sorta got lost in the shuffle during voting, because we had a record low of 5 voters chime in. I was going to just skip over the results, but that wouldn’t be fair to the five LAMBs who took time to make their lists and vote.

    So here are the LAMB’s Top 10 9 Chick Flicks (1st...

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  • The 2nd Annual LION Awards…Top 10 Films of the Year

    by Dylan · Jan 29, 2009 at 17:12 CET · LIONs for LAMB · 8 Comments
    The 2nd Annual LION Awards…Top 10 Films of the Year

    The votes have been cast, the independent accounting firm of Fletch & Fletch has been consulted, and the time has come for the LIONs to be handed out.

    This is the final post for this year’s LION Awards. I’d like to thank the 59 voters who took part – a sharp jump from the 16 or so that we had last year. I look forward to over 100 next year.

    I think that this year’s choices are an excellent...

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  • Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 Favorite Films

    by Dylan · Dec 18, 2008 at 13:00 CET · Uncategorized · 16 Comments
    Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 Favorite Films

    The results are in, and the LAMB has picked its Top 10 Favorite Films (for background on this, click here). There were a total of 40 voters, with their votes spread out amongst a whopping 270 films (out of a possible 400)! If ever there was a poll that displayed our diversity (or just inability to agree on anything šŸ˜‰ ), this is it.

    With the votes spread out all over the place, again it didn’t take much more than a single Top...

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  • Your Top 10 Favorite Film votes…all of them

    by Dylan · Dec 18, 2008 at 12:58 CET · Uncategorized · 3 Comments
    Your Top 10 Favorite Film votes…all of them

    Hang on…this is gonna be a bumpy ride. (In other words, this is gonna be a long, ugly post. But it’s for posterity.)

    Here are the complete results of the LAMB’s Top 10 Favorite Film votes, in the order and form they were received (please pardon the lack of proper links and italics – I do have to work sometime). Films are listed in the voters’ order from 1-10:

    The Conformist

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  • Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 Documentary Films

    by Dylan · Oct 30, 2008 at 21:20 CET · Uncategorized · 8 Comments
    Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 Documentary Films

    The results are in, and the LAMB has picked its Top 10 Documentary Films (for background on this, click here). There were a total of 20 voters, with their votes spread out amongst a whopping 131 films (out of a possible 200)! Suffice it to say, there is little agreement here (or a lot of diversity, if you’re a glass hlaf-full kinda person).

    With the votes spread out all over the place, again it didn’t take much more than a...

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  • Your Top 10 Documentary Film votes…all of them

    by Dylan · Oct 30, 2008 at 21:10 CET · Uncategorized · 8 Comments
    Your Top 10 Documentary Film votes…all of them

    Hang on…this is gonna be a bumpy ride. (In other words, this is gonna be a long, ugly post. But it’s for posterity.)

    Here are the complete results of the LAMB’s Top 10 Documentary Film votes, in the order and form they were received (please pardon the lack of proper links and italics – I do have to work sometime). Films are listed in the voters’ order from 1-10:

    Hearts and Minds

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  • Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 Animated Films

    by Dylan · Oct 9, 2008 at 23:51 CEST · Uncategorized · 7 Comments
    Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 Animated Films

    The results are in, and the LAMB has picked its Top 10 Animated Films (for background on this, click here). There were a total of 16 voters, with their votes spread out amongst 72 films.

    With just 16 voters, it didn’t take much more than a single Top 10 vote for a film to make the Top 10 here, and the big winner here (and it was a bit of a blowout for the top spot) still only managed two first-place votes. Regardless, it’s...

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  • Your Top 10 Animated Film votes…all of them

    by Dylan · Oct 9, 2008 at 23:00 CEST · Uncategorized · 1 Comment
    Your Top 10 Animated Film votes…all of them

    Hang on…this is gonna be a bumpy ride. (In other words, this is gonna be a long, ugly post. But it’s for posterity.)

    Here are the complete results of the LAMB’s Top 10 Animated Films votes, in the order and form they were received (please pardon the lack of proper links and italics – I do have to work sometime). Films are listed in the voters’ order from 1-10:

    Sleeping Beauty
    Grave of...

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  • Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 Musicals

    by Dylan · Sep 22, 2008 at 23:40 CEST · Uncategorized · 2 Comments
    Our Acronym is Better Than Theirs – Picking the LAMB’s Top 10 Musicals

    The results are in, and the LAMB has picked its Top 10 Musicals (for background on this, click here). There were a total of 24 voters, with their votes spread out amongst 93 films.

    Here are your winners (1st place votes in parentheses):

    10. (tie) Grease – 34 points from 5 voters (0)

    10. (tie) The Sound of Music – 34 points from 7 voters (1)

    8. (tie) My Fair...

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  • Your Top 10 Musical votes…all of them

    by Dylan · Sep 22, 2008 at 23:38 CEST · Uncategorized · 6 Comments
    Your Top 10 Musical votes…all of them

    Hang on…this is gonna be a bumpy ride. (In other words, this is gonna be a long, ugly post. But it’s for posterity.)

    Here are the complete results of the LAMB’s Top 10 Musicals votes, in the order and form they were received (please pardon the lack of proper links and italics – I do have to work sometime). Films are listed in the voters’ order from 1-10:

    The Wizard of Oz
    West Side...

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  • Running out of time

    by Dylan · Sep 17, 2008 at 20:55 CEST · Uncategorized · 4 Comments
    Running out of time
    Voting for the LAMB’s Top 10 Musicals ends today at approximately 5:00 pm Arizona time (PST right now). I’m not sending out any emails this time around – if people want to vote, they’ve had two weeks since the poll went up. If we get a smaller sample, so be it.

    Here’s the link: …


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