It looks like those without Netflix think the rest of us are a bunch of crybabies about the recent price changes. Most of us with Netflix are okay with the price changes and plan on keeping both the dvd and streaming options, while some will choose to drop one or the other. Almost nobody is going to give it the boot altogether.

In time to coincide with the latest LAMBcast episode, I want to know what fall/winter release you’re looking forward to the most. I narrowed the choices down to 25 for the poll (which was almost impossible), but if your pick isn’t listed please let me know in the comments.

6 thoughts on “Poll Results; New Poll

  1. Fall/Winter releases we anticipate and we can only select ONE! Argh! I hate questions like this! Dragon Tattoo or TinTin? Yet MI4 and Sherlock Holmes are just really fun and entertaining. So hard…

  2. I’m actually glad that you included Harold & Kumar. I realize that I’m not supposed to admit it, but I actually am looking forward to this movie. Straight actors get all types of credit for playing gay characters, but an openly gay NPH playing a straight NPH takes real talent.

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