Just a reminder that I am currently asking for suggestions on future topics of the LAMB Photoshop. I’d like to have them by Monday night. If you can leave them in the comments to THIS post, or email them to [email protected] that’d be awesome.
If I don’t get any suggestions by then, I guess I’ll have to bring this whole feature to a close. I really don’t want to do that but if the interest isn’t there, there isn’t much of a point. So send in those topics!
How about if classic film posters were to be turned into floating head styled posters made popular by the Scream franchise?
Or, how about movie sequels where the main character/characters are sent into space. You know, like Leprechaun or Jason, but instead it could be more mainstream characters.
Or, exploitation slants on mainstream films, because, as we all know, faux-sploitation is so hot right now! 😉
Horrific ideas, for sure!
Romantic comedies reimagined as horror movies? (e.g., When Harry Stalked Sally…)
Movies from the POV of secondary characters? i.e. Goodfellas with Billy Batts as the protag., which probably would’ve been called something like Shinebox or something.