Big thanks to all that participated through our Twitter hashtag #lamboscar during the the entire show. I’ll give you a short summary of my thoughts and the complete list of winners before I hit the sack (its 6 a.m here).


As many had predicted the final bout came down to the Artist and Hugo (I have seen neither of them) both winning five statuettes each. However, the Artist definitively took home the more prestigious ones.

The biggest surprises to me was Meryl Streep as best actress, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo for editing, Hugo for sound design, sound editing and cinematography.

My general thought on the production of the show was that they rushed the In Memoriam section which is by far the moment I like the most (R.I.P Laura Ziskin). The same goes for presenters and speakers it was obvious that they were on short leashes when it came to speeches. I wished they had cut out a the focus group sketch which was insanely dull but also the segments of famous actors sharing movie going memories. The funniest thing during the show was when Billy Crystal read minds in the public.

So what was your overall impression of the show? Funny moments? Most well deserved winners etc? Let us know in the comments. Below you have all the winners!

Best Picture of the Year: The Artist
Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role: Jean Dujardin for The Artist
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role Meryl Streep for the Iron Lady
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role Christopher Plummer for Beginners
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role Octavia Spencer for Niceville
Best Achievement in Directing Michel Hazanavicius for The Artist
Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen: Woody Allen for Midnight in Paris
Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash for The Descendants
Best Animated Feature: Rango
Best Foreign Language Film: A Separation
Best Achievement in Cinematography: Robert Richardson for Hugo Cabret
Best Achievement in Editing: Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Best Achievement in Art Direction :Dante Ferretti and Francesca Lo Schiavo for Hugo Cabret
Best Achievement in Costume Design: Mark Bridges for The Artist
Best Achievement in Makeup: Mark Coulier and J. Roy Helland for the Iron Lady
Best Original Score: The Artist by Ludovic Bource
Best Original Song: Man or a Muppet by Bret McKenzie
Best Achievement in Sound Mixing: Tom Fleischman and John Midgley for Hugo Cabret
Best Achievement in Sound Editing: Philip Stockton and Eugene Gearty for Hugo Cabret
Best Achievement in Visual Effects: Robert Legato, Joss Williams, Ben Grossmann and Alex Henning for Hugo Cabret
Best Documentary Feature: Undefeated
Best Documentary Short: Saving Face
Best Animated Short Film: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Best Live Action Short Film: The Shore

6 thoughts on “2012 Oscar Summary!

  1. Thanks for sparking some good Oscar activity among the lambs! Follwing my fellow lambs on twitter really made it to a more fun event than it otherwise would have been. Well done!

    1. I managed to miss out the French Toast broadcast unfortunately, but to be honest I don’t think I could have squeezed in any more. My attention was already very much split up on a bunch of different channels.

  2. This show was sort of a blur since I was scrambling to score the Oscar pool, but in general I think it was okay. The overall production was better than last year, and while most awards were predictable, it was decent. I’ll agree with Jessica that the twitter chatter made it a lot more enjoyable.

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