
Hey there, knowing that Jason won’t be posting a netflix game today I thought I’d sneak in and do a post I have had lying in my mind for a week or so. 

As some of you know that has payed attention in the LAMBforums we are trying to get a LAMB meetup together in Vegas for Oscar weekend 2013. But there has already been a mini meet-up taking place and I thought I’d start highlighting such events on here.

A hand ful of LAMBs covered this years San Diego Comic Con.

Josh and Kai
Fogs‘ and Dylan

I’d also recommend checking out Fogs’ intense coverage of the events here.

If you are hosting a potential LAMB meetup or want announce you are going somewhere and want to hook up with other LAMBs feel free to e-mail me a plug about it on largeassmovieblogs@gmail.com and write LAMB Meetup as subject!

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