
As you may or may not know, the LAMB turns five years old on Halloween (10/31/12).  I’m not sure what tricks Joel might have up his sleeve to celebrate the occasion (I know he’s hard at work on a site re-design, but I doubt it’ll be ready in time), but we are planning on marking the milestone with a special LAMBcast (to be recorded this Sunday).

This is where I’d like for you to get involved.  I’d like to get a bunch of feedback to be read/responded to on the show.  If you’ve been on the LAMBcast before, great, but if you haven’t, think of this as your virgin appearance.  Namely, by answering one or more of the following questions:

* What has the LAMB meant to you/your site?

* How would you describe the LAMB’s place in the film blogging world?

* How would you make the community/site/podcast even better?

* Finally, if anyone has any anecdotes or stories they wish to share or wants to reminisce about old features/events we don’t do anymore or just wants to make comments or suggestions, I’d love to hear them.  Or you can just wish the LAMB a Happy 5th Birthday!  🙂

Please DON’T respond in the comments here with anything; send it to dylan@manilovefilms.com by Sunday at 6:00am Pacific.  I expect most (if we get any) responses will be written, but audio ones would be fantastic as well.


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