Happy Birthday to us!
Its official we are now six years old! Amazing how time flies isn’t it!
Its official we are now six years old! Amazing how time flies isn’t it!
As you may or may not know, the LAMB turns five years old on Halloween (10/31/12). I’m not sure what tricks Joel might have up his sleeve to celebrate the occasion (I know he’s hard at work on a site re-design, but I doubt it’ll be ready in time), but…
Yesterday. And I forgot to say something about it. Better late than never, right?
In case you somehow missed the spiffy special banner I put up yesterday (thanks to Mrs. Fletch for the Photoshop work) or the incessant reminders, today is the LAMB’s first birthday. I might normally try to say something profound here, like “The experience I’ve had growing and learning with all…