This edition of LAMBScores features a wide variety of titles. From Disney’s video game animated epic, Wreck-It Ralph, to the Denzel, substance-abuse drama, Flight. We also see if RZA’s directorial debut, The Man with the Iron Fists cements him as a legit Hollywood man behind the camera. And just for safe measure, we thrown in the rather obscure and “unique” film, Holy Motors. As always, you can join the discussion and add your own scores in the LAMB forums.
Rotten Tomatoes: 4.30 (86%)
IMDB: 4.15 (8.3/10)
LAMB: 3.98 (22)
Average: 4.14
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Defiant Success
Flights, Tights, and Movie NightsCinema Won
Cinema Nerdz
The Movie Review Warehouse
The Cinematic Katzenjammer
Random Ramblings of a Demented DoorknobGo, See, Talk!
The Movie Waffler
Feed Me a Stray Cat
Kirkham a Movie a Day
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Sean Kelly on Movies
The Sketchy Details
FlixploitationDuke and the Movies
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
Love and Squalor Fil
Rorschach ReviewsThe Sanity Clause
Can’t Stop the Movies
LAMB Bites:
The Movie Waffler: “The film is unlikely to be considered one of Disney’s best films, but it’s certainly one of their funniest.”
The Movie Review Warehouse: “Ralph and Vanellope are a pair of lovable outcasts that make this so much more than a cute exercise in video game nostalgia.”
The Cinematic Katzenjammer: “The film is a hilarious adventure through a nostalgic past that manages to create its own memories along the way”
Rorschach Reviews: “It still doesn’t have quite the same punch as classic Disney, but the movie combines emotionally rich characters with a surprisingly well-formed plot to easily rank alongside the best animated films of the year.”
Rotten Tomatoes: 3.85 (77%)
IMDB: 3.80 (7.6/10)
LAMB: 4.06 (18)
Average: 3.90
And So It Begins
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Film Actually
Two Dude Review
The Sanity ClauseSobriety Test Movie Reviews
Angry Vader’s Movie Blah
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
Kirkham a Movie a Day
Cinema Nerdz
The Great Movie Project
Rorschach Reviews
Wide Screen World
Reel TalkFogs’ Movie Reviews
Temple of Reviews
Can’t Stop the Movies
Curious IntentionsThe Movie Review Warehouse
Sketchy Details
LAMB Bites:
Film Actually: “Denzel knocks it out of the park”
Two Dude Review: “An intense look at the power of addiction”
The Sanity Clause: “The film is a stirring, suspenseful and even hurtful portrait of alcoholism, but it is studio film-making that takes us for a ride, proving that some people need to embrace the edge to even stay upright.”
Rotten Tomatoes: 2.70 (54%)
IMDB: 3.30 (6.6/10)
LAMB: 2.50 (9)
Average: 2.83
Kirkham a Movie a Day (3.5)
An Online Universe (3.5)
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews (3)
Fogs’ Movie Reviews (3)
Angry Vader’s Movie Blah (2)
Fr. Dennis at the Movies (2)
The Movie Review Warehouse (2)
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews (2)
Sketchy Details (1.5)
Rotten Tomatoes: 4.60 (92%)
IMDB: 3.60 (7.2/10)
LAMB: 3.82 (11)
Average: 4.01
An Online Universe (5)
Bonjour Tristesse (5)
Film Intel (5)
The Film Emporium (5)
Go, See, Talk! (5)
At the Back (4)
FilmScope (4)
Sean Kelly on Movies (4)
The Velvet Cafe (2)
The Sanity Clause (1.5)
Film Actually (1.5)
I’m surprised about Wreck it Ralph. I would have thought it would have scored higher.