Happy Thanksgiving to all the Lammies out there. How are you doing?
It is I your host with the most, The Vern. I am getting ready to serve you all a platter of some tasty trailer treats to tide you til the turkey this thursday.(Try saying that last part a few times fast. ) We have got some nifty new ones that I think are worth a look at including one that I never thought would be good based on the author’s previous works. We also have Lindsey Lohan teaming up with an actual adult film star for a mainstream feature, but doesn’t her name alone sound like a porn star anyway. She might as well make the jump. I don’t think it would make that much of a difference in her career.
Now it’s time to stop looking at the menus and eat.
The Host. 03/29/2013
I have to admit it folks. I’m a little torn on this one. “The Host” is from the same writer who ruined vampire movies in my opinion. Now she is going to do her take on “Invasion of the Body Snatchers“. Yet I won’t lie this trailer had me engaged and fully interested in seeing this. Maybe it’s because Saorise Ronan can act and that it’s being adapted by Andrew Niccoli(“Gattaca“). The man has had some flops (“In Time“) but I’m almost willing to give this one a fair chance.
The Heat. 04/05/2013
Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy play two mismatched cops in this new comedy. I love it when trailers try to sell you on directors who don’t have a solid track record yet. Paul Feig had a good hit with “Bridesmaids“, but that doesn’t mean he’ll deliver another hit. They did the same thing for Jon Singleton after he made “Boyz in the Hood” and the last movie he directed was “Abducted” with Taylor Lautner. Oh Im suppose to comment on the actual trailer for “The Heat“,sorry about that. It looks like any other buddy cop movie we’ve seen before. Two people who are clearly different from each other learn to like the other person and stop the bad guy. Add in a bunch of funny moments and you have yourself a movie.
The Canyons. 2013
I rarely do this, but I’m including two trailers for the same movie, just because they are both so well done. Even though this will be appearing online, I hope it does come to a theatre near me. Bret Easton Ellis(“American Psycho“) is one of my favorite writers and director Paul Schrader(screenwriter of “Taxi Driver“) would know how to create sleazy but fascinating scenarios. This type of trashy cinema is also a perfect fit for Lindsey Lohan who would have been a star in the B movie circuit back in the late 80’s.
Side Effects. 02/08/2013
A woman (Rooney Mara) is accused of murder after taking some new anxiety medication in this new movie from Stephen Soderberg. I love a good mystery thriller and this one doesn’t look like it will disappoint viewers. Channing Tatumn and Jude Law co star in this movie written by Scott Z Burns.(“Contagion“)
Now You See Me. 07/07/2013
Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harelson from “Zombieland” reteam in this thriller about a group of illusionists who are involved in a series of bank heists. It looks like “The Prestige” meets “Oceans 11” and that’s not a bad thing. Although I may just be saying that because I think I recognize some actors from those movies. It may be just me, but I don’t think it’s wise to admit on the poster that this film is from the same director of “Clash of The Titans” remake.
Trailer Hitch: Faster, Pussycat! Kill Kill 08/06/1965
Since I posted a 60’s trashy style trailer to “The Canyons” earlier. I thought it would be best show another one that helped inspire it. Russ Meyer’s
“Faster, Pussycat!Kill Kill” is the complete definition of an exploitation movie. There were tons of these made back in the day and I wish people didn’t look at these flicks as just jokes because they actually are very entertaining. Yes, the women in this are hot and don’t wear much, but they don’t take much shit either. They are just as willing to kiss you as they are to kill you.
So did any of these ads leave you salivating for more or did they want to make you go on a hunger strike. Leave me a comment or a suggestion of what trailer you would like to see me review.
Thanks for catching me up on all of the upcoming movies, Vern! And I love your sense of humor. Your posts are hilarious!
Thanks for those kind words Becki. I greatly appreciate that. You keep up the good work as well.