Hey there, fellow LAMBs its time yet again for the most anticipated moment of the month, the LAMBoard update! The LAMBoard is located on the right tab on the twitter widget in the sideboard. The list is based on incoming traffic from LAMB members to the LAMB site.
This edition of the LAMBoard is another proof of the progress the LAMB has gone through the last six months. When I took over as Shepherd in February the LAMBoard easily took 2 hours to update with quite complicated HTML coding.
This months edition is actually the first of it being completely automated so the only thing I need to do is write this post about it. From my perspective this is of course great since I can focus my time on other LAMB things (maybe, not more important but time and procrastinating factor is an issue when it comes to these more daily routine features on the LAMB).
As you can see half of the entries this month are newbies on the board from last month. It definitively has to do with the fact that the old LAMB banner had the now defunct blogspot-url attached to them. Make sure to update your banners here.
Also send me your site banners so I can add it to the database and we can get rid of the generic LAMB banner on here.
Where exactly is it?