Sorry about the late post here people, but I have been hella busy at work. Many employees at my job don’t show up for their shift and somehow I get to be the lucky one to stay longer and help out. Ahh the joys of Christmas retail,but I’m not here to talk to you fine folks about any of my personal problems. I am here to give you the last Trailer Trash article of the year, and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. It doesn’t matter what religion you believe in because you get a day off of work and who doesn’t love that idea.
We do have some exciting trailers for you all to view this week, and after the new year I will be posting the best trailers from 2012 here. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments below.
To The Wonder.
A lot of bloggers and critics love to hate on Terrence Malick and call his films artsy and pretentious. It is much easier to do that then try to understand them. I’m not saying that they are at all easy to decipher, but I do admire Malick’s bold statement that movies don’t have to be a story driving media. If they can evoke an emotion from a particular visual. It is a win in my book, and one that I look forward to seeing.
The Sex of the Angels.
I think a more marketable title of this should have been “Step Up: Three-way” because that is the vibe I got from this trailer.
Pain and Gain. 04/26/2013
Michael Bay is another director that gets shit on by critics too, but I really don’t think he cares with all the money he makes from those “Transformers” movies. His latest movie is an action comedy about body builders (Mark Whalberg, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) who want to kidnap a business mogul( Tony Shalhoub) to help sell their protein shake. It looks ok, and it does remind me of earlier Bay movies like “Bad Boys” and “The Rock” which makes me want to check it out.
I’m So Excited. 11/22/2013( USA)
Damn you Pedro Almodovar. Your trailers confuse the hell out of me because I have no idea on what they are about. I then go see them and they turn out to be one of the best movies of the year. Your latest one seems to be set on a plane with three gay guys. I’m not disrespecting their lifestyle, just making an honest observation.
Shanghai Calling.
At first I thought this was going to be the sequel to the Madonna and Sean Penn film “Shanghai Surprise“, but luckily it’s not. An Asian American worker is asked to visit China to complete a deal, but ends up discovering a legal problem that could cost him his job. Even though he may look like he belongs there. He knows nothing about the culture or the language. The film does co-star Bill Paxton (“Aliens“) and Alan Ruck (“Ferris Buller’s Day Off“) and doesn’t look at all terrible but one I would wait for cable to see.
Trailer Hitch: Miracle on 34th Street. 05/02/1947
Since it is the holidays. It wouldn’t be fair of me to not feature a trailer of one of the best christmas movies of all time. What makes this one stand out is that it’s five minutes long and tells you nothing of what it is about. That kind of thing usually annoys me, but in this context it works. If you have never heard of this story before. I do recommend seeking it out.
See you all next year.
I wished I’d love that pain and gain trailer a lot more.