Welcome back to Lamb Chop-Ups brought to you by Bubbawheat. I’m still around, but still busy as anything and while I enjoy this game a lot, it’s the low man on the totem pole. If this is your first time playing, I have a word spelled out from cut up movie posters. Your job is to guess which movie each letter came from. There’s also a bonus movie that is not pictured, but is hinted at by the word itself and/or the other movies used, and there’s also some kind of theme that connects all the movies to help you figure out the less obvious ones. I occasionally throw in some tricks to make things difficult, like rotating some pieces, so keep your eye out. Check out this week’s puzzle and leave your guesses in the comments.
Some notes: While I try to use official movie posters, I sometimes have to base it on the popularity of a Google Image search for “(movie title) poster”. Either the first person to get all the answers right, or whoever gets the most right gets 10 points on the leaderboard, the first person to get the bonus movie correct will get 5 points, and the first correct guess for each movie gets 1 point – excluding the winner, so it pays to toss out your guesses even if you don’t know them all right away.
The Previous Puzzle:
Previous Puzzle’s Answers:
T – From Russia With Love
H – Thunderball
E – GoldenEye
O – For Your Eyes Only
N – Casino Royale
E – The Living Daylights
A – Skyfall
N – Dr. No
D – Tomorrow Never Dies
O – Quantum of Solace
N – The Man With The Golden Gun
L – The World Is Not Enough
Y – Octopussy
Bonus: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, with the actor who played James Bond in his one and only movie: George Lazenby, and Jay got the clean sweep guessing them all before anyone else.
Jay – 24 points
Jessica – 11 points
Dusty – 10 points
Shane – 9 points
Forgotten Films – 2 points
Kevyn Knox – 1 point
On My White Christmas… W is National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, H is A Christmas Story
I is How the Grinch Stole Christmas E is Elf
Welcome to the game! Not a bad start so far.
M = Gremlins
C = Scrooged
H = Home Alone
S – The Santa Clause
Bonus: Irving Berlin’s White Christmas?
Nope, interesting guess though.
R – The Muppets Christmas Carol
T – Nightmare Before Christmas
C – Scrooged
S – Fred Claus
I (Christmas) – Die Hard
Bonus Guess – Snow Miser? Does it have to be a movie?
Yes, it’s always a movie. And welcome to the game!
T (White) – Bad Santa
M (Christmas) – Batman Returns
Is the bonus Jack Frost?
Ok, hint for the last two unguessed movies. They’re both Christmas classics. For one of them, you don’t have to specify which version it is.
Gah! I almost missed one!
M – Gremlins
R – It’s A Wonderful Life
W – National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
H – A Christmas Story
I – How the Grinch Stole Christmas
T – Bad Santa
E – Elf
C – Scrooged
H – Home Alone
R – A Muppet Christmas Carol
I – Die Hard
S – Fred Claus
T – The Nightmare Before Christmas
M – Batman Returns
A – Miracle on 34th Street
S – The Santa Clause
Bonus – White Christmas
You got everything except the bonus. Last hint. One person came very close, but it was the wrong format. I’ll also accept two possible answers.
Was I the close one? The Year Without a Santa Claus? I didn’t think that was an actual movie.
Technically I guess it was a TV movie, but I always thought of it in terms of being a movie, and it’s pretty well known.
and yes, that was the correct answer. Just realized I wasn’t fully clear.
I suppose so. Not trying to split hairs on you, or anything. I was just explaining why I didn’t guess it sooner.