
In this edition of the LAMBScores we have 4 new releases for you – The Impossible, Texas Chainsaw 3D, Promised Land and Not Fade Away. It seemed to be a slow week, with only The Impossible seeming to spark much interest among the LAMB members. Find out what your fellow lammies thought of Juan Antonio Bayona’s heartwrenching film, in addition to the other smaller releases. Remember, you can see your review on the next edition of the LAMBScores by heading over to the forums.


Rotten Tomatoes: 4.05 (81%)

IMDb: 3.85 (7.7/10)

LAMB: 3.83 (15)

Average: 3.91

Sobriety Test Movie Reviews
Fr. Dennis at the Movies
Two Dude Review
The Cinematic Spectacle
AngryVader’s Movie Blah…
Surrender to the Void
The Sanity Clause
The Movie Waffler
Go, See, Talk!
Love and Squalor Film
At The Back
Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews
3 Guys 1 Movie
Natalie Stendall Film Blog
Sketchy Details

LAMB Bites:
The Cinematic Spectacle:As ‘true story’ movies go, it’s a spectacular effort, and one of the genre’s most moving ones.”
At The Back: “Too much heart string pulling and emphasis on a ruined holiday rather than natural disaster.”
Sketchy Details: “Torture porn exists and it comes by way of a now Academy Award-nominated big budget drama.”


Rotten Tomatoes: 2.50 (50%)

IMDb: 3.00 (6.0/10)

LAMB: 2.70 (5)

Average: 2.73







Rotten Tomatoes: 3.50 (70%)

IMDb: 2.95 (5.9/10)

LAMB: 2.50 (6)

Average: 2.98







Rotten Tomatoes: 0.90 (18%)

IMDb: 2.50 (5/10)

LAMB: 1.89 (9)
Average: 1.76


Movies Hate You Too (3)

Boonsweet & Bucklesworth (2.5)
The Movie Waffler (2.5)
Two Tickets For… (2.5)
Kirkham A Movie A Day (2)
Two Oh Six (2)
AngryVader’s Movie Blah… (1.5)
The Film Discussion (1)
Sobriety Test Movie Reviews (0)


7 thoughts on “LAMBScores: The Horror of Tsunamis and Fracking

  1. Can someone please tell me when the cutoffs for Les Miserables, Zero Dark Thirty, and Django Unchained are? You can’t even read the forums without applying, confirming, then waiting for an admin to give you to go ahead. I’ve been waiting several days on the last step and still no final approval.

  2. @Dylan and Squasher88 – Thanks for the info. I thought I had checked back through the last couple of Lambscore posts, but I must have missed those. I don’t often review brand new movies, so when I started my reviews of the Oscar Best Picture nominees I figured I’d be able to contribute a few of them here. I now see from reading the forum that the window from movie release to Lambscore cutoff has been shortened since I last was able to contribute.

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