182881_485248984824052_1333525473_nIt’s easy to get into routines and take things for granted, and over the course of over four years now of running the LAMBcast, I’m certainly guilty of that.  Here’s the short version: the LAMBcast wants you to appear on upcoming episodes!

Here’s the long version.  My routine is as such: every 8-10 weeks, I unveil (so to speak) what the topics for the next batch of episodes are going to be.  This is done over at the LAMB Forums, which is also the place where people volunteer for which episodes they’d like to be on.  I then go onto Twitter (@lambcast) and post the news there, which is later retweeted by the main LAMB account and also automatically makes its way to the LAMBcast’s Facebook page.  After a few days, I go through all of the submissions and fill the spots for the batch of shows based on people’s interest in each show.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

What I take for granted is that a) many, many people are not members over at the Forums, following the LAMBcast’s Twitter account, the Facebook page, or even the main LAMB Twitter account.  And this is fine.  Doing so is not a prerequisite for anything.  However, it occurs to me that just because A doesn’t necessarily mean B; namely, there might be folks interested in joining the show that are unaware of the process I outlined above. 

So…now you (and anyone else) knows, and you know that we’re interested (as always) in not only bringing on new blood to the show (which is paramount to the show’s continued run) but also in bringing back old blood.  So if it would be your first time ever or your first time in three years, know that the LAMBcast would love to have you.

Here’s where to go for the details of the latest batch and the next steps: http://thelambforums.proboards.com/post/21859

Leave a comment or email [email protected] if you have any questions.

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