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Site: Elemental Reviews
LAMB: #1497
URL: www.elementalreviews.wordpress.com
It’s a decent blog. I liked the clean layout/design. Decent writing too – I enjoyed your 12 Angry Men review. The only thing I found odd were the links on your a-z reviews page – each one I tried opened a new tab instead of just loading within the parent page.
Thanks Stewart. I think something went wrong with linking those posts to the a-z page, but I’ll fix it ASAP.
Not sure if you’re code savvy or not so sorry if you already know this – but those links are set with:
when they should be
example – your 12 Angry men link.
12 Angry Men
Change to:
12 Angry Men
Hope that helps.
Thanks for all the info. I believe there is a tick box in the WordPress.com editor which allows me to do the same. And I accidentally had checked ‘Open link in new tab’. Anyway, thanks for helping out Stewart. Appreciate it.
I’d add something to fill up the blank space at bottom right on the homepage but otherwise it looks great
Thanks, what a good idea! That’s exactly what I’m going to do by adding movie/TV posters.
I’m not sure if you can change this or if it’s pre-set, but on the homepage under the slideshow of 6 films, it then says “recent articles”, despite the fact that the most recent ones were in the slideshow instead. I’d recommend changing that title if you can.
Maybe change it to “more reviews” (and then further down you could change that to “even more…”
I would if I could! It’s unfortunately pre-set. Anyhow, thanks for the advice.