
Untitled2.001 copy 2Hey! This is Shala from Life Between Films, film festival contributor for LAMB. As you may or may not know, I introduced this little feature on LAMB about a year ago to cerebrate independent film festivals. I hope to expand what is presented in this little corner of the LAMB site and make it something that all of you would love to read and participate in.  Here is currently how you can be apart of ‘The Festival Experience’ with existing features and new ways to be involved:

  • Ask the LAMB (festival edition): If you have any questions about how to navigate film festivals, maybe I can help. Or if you are attending a festival and would like to get hooked up with LAMBs who live in the area or others attending, I can help with that too. All you have to do is email [email protected] put ‘festival question’ in the subject line. No query is too small. I’m no film festival expert, but I have been to my fair share of them in the last 5 years and would love to share my experiences. If I can’t answer it, I know someone within LAMB who probably can.  So ask away. 
  • One Blogger, One Day: Are you attending any of the upcoming 2014 film festivals – NYFF, TIFF, Telluride, Venice? Be one of the bloggers for ‘One Blogger, One Day’, a collaboration project which brings together LAMBs to discuss what they screened, who they met, and what they did for at one day of a film festival. Here are some posts from this year:
  • LAMB ‘Gram: I created our own instagram (@LAMB_thefestivalexperience) for fellow LAMBs to share their pictures from experiences at film festivals. Follow along if you have an instagram account (and tweet me @shalathomas or use the hashtag #thefestivalexperience if you have a pic for me to regram! ). Or if you don’t have an account of your own, email me  your pictures so I can post them.

What else would you like to see in ‘The Festival Experience’? All suggestions are welcomed.  I would like to get more people excited about this feature. Please leave me your thoughts below or contact me anytime!

4 thoughts on “Be a Part of ‘The Festival Experience’!

  1. This sounds like a great idea – I must have missed it before. I’ll try and get involved when I can. I used to go to quite a few festivals although I’m a family man now so things have slowed down a bit.

    1. Hi, David! Thanks for commenting. I would love for you to be involved. if at least just for a resource since you have attending festivals in the past. Please let me know if you have any other ideas of things we can do for LAMB.

      1. No worries. I’ve been to Cannes a few times, so any questions about that can be sent my way. I used to go to a few horror/genre festivals too and know some organisers of them. I don’t like posting my email address in public like this, but if you need to find me my site is Blueprint: Review or find me on Twitter @blueprintrev

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