Way back in February 2013, the first official LAMB Meet-Up occurred in Vegas, and was attended by in total 14 LAMB members (including partners). This year the location of Chicago was picked – mainly because it seems a heck of a lot of LAMBs live in the Chicago area – and over the course of the weekend far more LAMB members attended. As such, it felt right to hold a podcast to mark such a momentous occasion.
Dylan Fields kindly stepped in to host the show, and was joined by Jason Soto – the co-ordinator of this year’s meet-up – his site partner Nick Jobe, as well as Bubbawheat, Daniel Lackey, Fredo Castil and two Lambcast newcomers, Clint Worthington and Chris Ramey. They had some drinks, had a few laughs, and played a raucous game of Cards Against Humanity – Movie special! – before talking about the meet-up as a whole.
Unfortunately, some of the other LAMBs who attended the meet-up couldn’t make it to the podcast. We’d like to thank the French Toast Sunday gang (well, Lindsay, Jess, Rob, Jason and Special Guest Dave at least), Dan Heaton from Public Transportation Snob, The Vern from The Vern’s Video Vortex and Steve Honeywell from 1001 Plus, who all made an appearance at some point during the trip. If I’ve forgotten anyone, please let me know, because regrettably I wasn’t actually there.
If you want to read or watch more on the trip, check out posts on these wonderful sites:
Your Face!
The Vern’s Video Vortex
Film Yarn – Video
Film Yarn – Photos 1, Photos 2, Photos 3
Flights Tights and Movie Nights
The Lair of the Unwanted
The Nightmare Gallery
French Toast Sunday
After Credits
The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. The direct RSS feed is:http://lambcast.podomatic.com/entry/2014-07-03T22_56_46-07_00. Shows will eventually make their way to the LAMBcast Archives. If you’d ever like to catch up on back episodes, go there. If you’re interested, you too can be a LAMBcaster – we love new blood! For more information on the LAMBcast, check out the topic at the LAMB Forums. Music provided royalty-free by Kevin MacLeod’s Incompetech website. Big thanks to Kevin for providing this service. Opening song by Cake. The LAMBcast loves feedback, too – if you’d like yours read on a future show, leave it in the comments section at the LAMB. Please visit and like our Facebook page, and finally, we’re on iTunes, and would still love a review, even if it’s a bad one. Thanks for listening!
1) Bummer I couldn’t be there on SUnday! Sounded like a blast.
2) Austin is a legit choice. It is a really fun city & I would love to go back. But come on guys, no one said BALTIMORE. Why you tryin to keep us down?! Baltimore before New York, I mean come ON.
3) I don’t love the idea of going during a film festival only because everything is generally more expensive. Especially SXSW (which is on my bucket list) but is BALLS expensive to attend & find lodging. I imagine it’s a clusterfuck like all week long at SXSW.
4) Anyway, it was great to meet everyone! Til next year!