The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!
We had another bizarre range of movies to pick from for the next Movie of the Month, with films that have been put up before going up against films most people have never even heard of. There were a few classics peppered in there too, one of which won. That’s right, the next Movie of the Month is… JFK.
Congratulations go to Todd Liebenow of Forgotten Films, who in winning the poll gets a spot on the upcoming Lambcast show devoted to the movie, and gets to host the feature discussion as well.
As always, when that Lambcast is posted, any reviews the rest of the LAMB wishes to write about the film in question will be posted too. Please send in any submissions – new or old – to jaycluitt(at) by Monday 3rd July. That day will also see the next poll go up, so if you would like to champion a film for September’s MOTM, be sure to get in touch as well.
Here are the results of this month’s poll:
Forgotten Films will be ineligible to become a Champion for the next three months. Blueprint: Review is ineligible for two more months. Journeys in Classic Film has one month of ineligibility left. The Vern’s Video Vortex becomes eligible next month.