
The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!


February’s still-inexplicable Movie of the Month is behind us, and now we can look ahead to what March will bring. We had a significantly better selection to pick from this time, with choices of The Towering Inferno, Event Horizon, Tony Manero, The Wicker Man, Road to Perdition and The Prestige, but despite being a selection of very different and mostly well-regarded films, one contender took an early lead which quickly grew and grew, and was never even close to being caught. This means that our Movie of the Month for March is: 1973’s original The Wicker Man.


Congratulations go to Tony Cogan of Coog’s Reviews who in winning the poll also gets to host the feature discussion on the upcoming Lambcast devoted to it. If you’re a fan of The Wicker Man and want to take part in that show, being recorded on March 6th 2016, then please drop a line in the comments or find the Lambcast on Twitter, @lambcast.

As always, when that Lambcast show is posted, any reviews the rest of the LAMB wishes to write about the film in question will be posted too. Please send in any submissions – new or old – to jaycluitt(at)hotmail.com by Monday 7th February. That day will also see the next poll go up, this time a franchise special, so if you would like to champion the Movie of the Month for April, get in touch. It’ll need to be a franchise with between 3 and 7 films in, or that can be easily narrowed down if there are more.

Here are the results of this month’s poll:
MOTM March 2016

Coog’s Reviews will be ineligible to champion a MOTM contender for the next three months. Journeys in Classic Film still has two months of ineligibility left. Simplistic Reviews will be ineligible for one more month. Forgotten Films in now eligible again.

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