
The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon!


June’s Movie of the Month race saw a great deal of campaigning from at least three of the contenders. Damien, Kristen and Vern all fought tooth and nail to try and get either Breaking Away, My Girl or The Neon Demon to victory, but alas a great tragedy fell with the sad loss of Sir Roger Moore, so it was no surprise that the eventual winner was a film that starred him, so for the month of June we’ll be talking about… The Spy Who Loved Me.

Congratulations go to Aaron Neuwirth of The Code is Zeek for successfully championing The Spy Who Loved Me to victory. As such he also gets the opportunity to host the upcoming Lambcast devoted to it. If you’re a fan of the film and would like to be part of that show (recording 18th June) then get in touch! On the day that show is posted, here on the LAMB site you’ll also find links from the rest of the LAMB community dedicated to the film. If you have any reviews, features or podcasts about The Spy Who Loved Me, send a link to Jay on jaycluitt(at)hotmail.com.

Here are the results of this month’s poll:

The Code is Zeek will be ineligible to champion a MOTM contender for the next three months. Almost Ginger still has two months of ineligibility left. Kirkham A Movie A Day will be ineligible for one more month. The Lair of the Unwanted is now eligible again.

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