Lambscores: Pacific Rim: Unsaning

by Jay Cluitt · April 20, 2018 · Featured, LAMBscores · No Comments

Two films for you this week: the big-budget popcorn sequel to Pacific Rim and the no-budget shot-entirely-on-an-iPhone Unsane from Steven Soderbergh. I don’t know about you, but I for one would like to see an experiment where the production processes of these two movies was switched. What would Soderbergh do with a big pile of money when it came to shooting a very small film? And think of the ingenuity required to shoot a Pacific Rim movie on your phone! Anyway, here’s what the LAMB community had to say about the actually existing versions of these films:

LAMB Average:
 3.83 (9 sites)
The Michigan Movie Guy (5)
Wherever I Look (4.5)
Fade to Zach (4)
From the Front Row (4)
The Reviewing Rodders (4)
The Code is Zeek (3.5)
The Last Thing I See (3.5)
Film-Arcade (3)
Keith Loves Movies (3)

Pacific Rim: Uprising
LAMB Average: 2.50 (8 sites)
CineMarvellous! (3)
The Code is Zeek (3)
Cinema Sight (2.5)
Fade to Zach (2.5)
Kirkham A Movie A Day (2.5)
The Mundane Adventures of a Fangirl (2.5)
Talkie Gazette (2.5)
Every Film (1.5)

LAMBscores will return next week with: Ready Player One
If you want to get involved, here’s how LAMBScores work: Over in the LAMB Forums there’s a sub-board called LAMBScores. If you’ve written a review or recorded a podcast on a new release, find (or create) the thread there, and leave a link to your review, along with your site name and a score out of 5. Three weeks after the film has received a wide release the reviews will be collated and posted here, as long as there are at least five.

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