
The latest Movie of the Month has been decided upon! December is traditionally our holiday-themed month, which hasn’t always led to necessarily holiday-themed movies, but that’s all changed this year! For 2019’s December Movie of the Month we’ll be discussing… Scrooged!

Congratulations to Todd Liebenow from Forgotten Films for successfully championing Scrooged to victory, making this his second holiday win after Gremlins a few years ago. As such he gets to host the upcoming Lambcast dedicated to Scrooged, and if you have any reviews, features or podcasts on the film, please send them to Jay by Monday 9th December.

Winners are excluded for a calendar year, but it’s the end of the year now so all the exclusions are reset and everyone is free to champion films again! If you would like to submit a film for January’s Movie of the Month, get in touch soon!

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