I come to you today with terrible news. Just dreadful. This may be the worst atrocity to have occurred, not just to the LAMB, but the online world in general, for some time. You see, every month a selection of movies are submitted for voting upon to decide each month’s Movie of the Month, and in February we allow Richard, the Lambcast co-host, to submit the full selection in order to celebrate his birthday, which coincidentally is today. LAMB readers, it is with great sadness that I am compelled to declare that this position has been abused. The Lambcast co-host – I am so angered I cannot bring myself to once more type his name – submitted a selection of films, many of which would have led to interesting discussions or at the very least enjoyable film-watching experiences, but, buried within the list, was an abomination unto cinema, a so-called film so bereft of any positive, enjoyable elements, that I’m almost tempted to shut down the whole MOTM system. If it survives beyond this month I shall be very, very surprised. How this “film” came to win the MOTM poll I cannot fathom, but rest assured that recounts and authorisation processes have begun. For now though, it is with the gravest and most solemn regret that I must inform you that the movie of the month for February 2020 is… Big Trouble in Little China.

All blame goes to Richard Kirkham for deviously championing Big Trouble in Little China to victory. As such he will host the upcoming Lambcast dedicated to Big Trouble in Little China, and if you have any reviews, features or podcasts on the “film”, please send them to Jay by Monday 17th February.

Winners are excluded for a calendar year, so Coogs Review and Kirkham A Movie A Day are now ineligible until 2021. If you would like to submit a film for March’s Movie of the Month, or April’s franchise special, get in touch soon!
I suspect that if Jay had not so vehemently criticized Big Trouble in Little China in the past, it would not have won. The opportunity to safely poke at the Shepard behind the cover of my list was just too tempting for some of the flock. Hope everyone will tune in for the delightful torture that the February MOTM will be.