It’s a new month, and that means it’s time to announce the next movie of the month! Five more films were in contention for November’s spotlighted film, but only one can win, and for this month we’ll be talking about… M*A*S*H!

Congratulations go to Todd Liebenow from the Forgotten Filmcast and Walt Sent Me for successfully championing M*A*S*H to victory, and as such he gets to put his hot lips on the microphone for the upcoming Lambcast episode devoted to it!

If you would like to submit a film for a future MOTM poll, get in touch! December is another holiday special. Winners are excluded for a calendar year, so Meg Hyland, Richard Kirkham, James Wilson, Howard Casner, Nick Rehak, Emily Slade, Vern, Lisa Leaheey, David Brook and Todd Liebenow are now ineligible until 2022.