Lambcast #731 Buried Treasure

by Richard Kirkham · May 13, 2024 · Featured, LAMBcast, Uncategorized · No Comments

This week, the Lambcast takes to the seas in search of treasures that may be lost or at least unknown to our community. We hoist the skull and crossbones in the hopes that we locate movies that deserve some attention but have been hidden for a variety of reasons. 

Second Mate Nicole Ayers is ready to keel haul the makers of Mizuko for choosing a distribution system that basically buried the movie under in impenetrable Vimeo wall. Digging on Criterion will get better results. She did recommend an Academy Award winning Live Action short, and a movie from this year that maybe isn’t a treasure, but she wants you to decide for yourself.

The Vern, from Cinema Recall, was supercargo [or as Quint would say,”Supercock”] in our cargo hold, and he dug into his trove of VHS treasures to bring us a French horror /fantasy, an early comedy from David O. Russell and a film starring Harry Potter’s Michael Gambon, that is not very Dumbledore like.

First Mate Handsome Howard Casner of “Pop Art” does some time traveling to find his treasures. He has a couple of 19s0s gems and Barbara Stanwyck doing some G-String dancing. Miss Stanwyck is also featured in a 1938 screwball comedy that is frequently overlooked, but not by sharp-eyed Howard in his crow’s nest.

Swabby One Pawed Dave Anderson, from Free Kittens Movie guide, digs up a Cold War era naval counterpart to “Fail-Safe”, a Czech Science Fiction Odyssey, and an 80s horror film that deserves a lot more respect than the teen slashers of the era. 

Finally, Captain Kirkham, of the Pirate Ship Lambcast, goes in search of his youth with three films from the 1970s that may have slipped your attention. A couple of which can only be accessed by physical media, which the Captain does not consider a vice.

We get an Exit Question about upcoming Summer Movies and the traditional round of plugs to finish up.


Round One   3:50

Round Two   30:23

Round Three   1:02:50

Exit Question   1:34:30


Nicole MadLabPost

Dave Free Kittens Movie Guide

The Vern Cinema Recall

Howard Pop Art

Richard KAMAD

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