The Summer Season starts with a Romantic Comedy, masquerading as an action adventure mystery. There is a lot of action, not much mystery but at the heart of it all is a sweet love story set in the world of movie making. “The Fall Guy” may be a meta movie about movies, a summer popcorn flick, or a two hour argument for the Motion Picture Academy to finally give recognition to the stunt work in the films. Regardless of which perspective you take, you will hear it covered on this week’s episode.

Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt have great on-screen charisma, but is that enough to make the movie work? Jeanette Ward, Brian Eggert and Howard Casner all have thoughts about these issues and more. Howard considers the “meta” nature of the film to be underwhelming, and he name drops Jackie Chan and Shane Black as measures of success for this kind of movie. Brian is skeptical of the way the stunts in the film are presented, and damns the movie with a description of “light, breezy and entertaining…I had a smile on my face.” Jeanette has trouble warming up to Ryan Gosling, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and the film in general, but by the end seems to endorse all three. Confuse? You won’t be, once you listen to the whole show.

Stunt doubles, movie stars, drug dealers and producers all get lampooned in one way or another. We are spoiler free for the first part of the show, and when we get to the Exit Question of the week, we take no prisoners. Rob Zombie, that’s you we are talking about.


General Impressions 3:00

The Love Story 13:00

Plot Issues 24:00

Split Screen Talk 30:45

Stunt Work 34:00

Spoiler Wall Comes Down 44:44

Exit Question of the Week 1:07:00

Brian Deep Focus Review

Jeanette J. Ward Adventures

Howard Pop Art

Richard KAMAD

The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:

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