
Sorry about two polls running simultaneously, just a regular hazard of movie fandom here on the LAMB.

The November MOTM is to be determined by you with this poll. This Poll will close on November 5. The show records on November 10. A short turn around but with the films we have to choose from, completely doable.  

Roger Wistar, wishes you would choose “Sneakers” from 1992

From 1993, Aaron Neuwirth wants to talk “Addams Family Values

Dave Anderson thinks it would be a disaster to choose anything other than “Earthquake” from 1974

One Deadly Venom may be enough for Tom Hardy, but Nick Rehak wants “Five Deadly Venoms

The Vern must be possessed to think his choice will win out “Possession” 1981

And Todd Liebenow thinks its time we make this happen. “Josie and the Pussycats



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