We hope it doesn’t make you feel too old, but our Decade Lookback series is traveling to 2010, and most of you will remember that you were not that old and it wasn’t that long ago. Sorry, it’s been 14 years, you figure out what percentage of your life that is.
Howard Casner and Tony Coogan show up for the discussion. We had an overbook episode at one point but it diminished for all kind of reasons. Between the three sets of lists on the show however, you should be able to find some things to remember or to go back and fill in.

When Howard does these lookbacks, he skips a theme and goes right for the films he thinks are the best of the year.

Tony is a connoisseur of animation, so he digs up five animated movies that he thinks are the primo choices for 2010. One of them was our only pineapple kiosk moment on the show (take a guess).

Richard decided to play action junkie this week and all the best 2010 action films made up his list of 2010 films. We also have a few extras at the end and an exit question that everybody listening will be able to answer for themselves, and hopefully not hang their heads in shame.
Round One 3:00
Round Two 14:05
Round Three 29:45
Round Four 41:06
Round Five 51:30
Exit Question 1:17:16

Howard Pop Art
Tony Coogs Reviews The Wickerman Podcast Deep Blue Sea
Richard KAMAD
The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page, and there’s a player there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:
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