Once again, we turn on the Wayback Machine and transport our podcast to a year in the past. This time we end up in the early 1970s, an era rich with change in the cinema world and plenty of different films for all kinds of tastes.

Because these shows are so popular, the guest list was expanded to five this week, so including the host, every round of our five round discussion has six films. Not everyone had a theme for their choices, but Dave Anderson of the “Free Kittens Movie Guide” did, he picked five films that he wanted to see on the big screen. Who could blame him, although all of the movies would be great in a theater.

Howard Casner of “Pop Art” has been a guest on these episodes before, and once again he sticks to his system of picking what he feels are the five best films of the year. Your opinions may vary. Todd Liebenow of the “Forgotten Filmcast” doesn’t stick to his theme of unremembered films, but he still manages to come up with a collective of esoteric films.

“Cinema Recalls” The Vern is looking for the most controversial films of the year, but he gets surprised by some films off of the other lists that also offer some controversy. Finally, David Brook from “Blueprint Review” claims that his theme is a trip around the world, but if you listen to the end of his list, we discover that there is a hidden agenda there and it surprises him as well.
To finish off the episode we ask the guests to share their most contrary positive opinion on films that the rest of the world dismisses. James Cameron might disagree, but you probably won’t, unless you listen all the way through.
Round One 3:57
Round Two 30:26
Round Three 55:33
Round Four 1:14:55
Round Five 1:38:34
Exit Question 2:04:10

Dave A. Free Kittens Movie Guide
Howard Pop Art Podcast
Todd Forgotten Filmcast
David B Blueprint Review
The Vern Cinema Recall
Richard KAMAD
The show can be found, of course, via iTunes – just do a search for “LAMBcast.” Also, I always post a link to the show on the LAMBcast’s Facebook page and on the LAMB Facebook Page.There’s a link there if you’d like to listen online. Find the show here:
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