
On the LAMBcast in April, the Movie of the Month is really the “Movies” of the month episode, because we choose a franchise to look at rather than a single film.

This year, the submissions amounted to four fantastic choices.

Lisa Leaheey from the Rabbit hole Podcast collective, has offered up the Final Destination Series for what must be the fourth time. With a new entry in the series coming in May, it’s possible momentum is finally on her side.

Nicole Ayers of the MadLab Post suggests that all those Will Smith haters out there come to their senses and vote for the buddy cops who have really reached retirement age. Bad Boys.

Finally, Jeanette Ward from The Mundane Adventures of a Fan Girl, keeps it simple with the smallest franchise possible, two films only, but is that really what you see? F/X

Late addition, got left off by an oversight, Bubbawheat wants you to find the long lost Fantastic Four Movie and watch it along with the more recent films.

You have until April 7 to vote, so as they say in Chicago, vote early and vote often.

April Franchise MOTM Poll
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