
In case you somehow missed the spiffy special banner I put up yesterday (thanks to Mrs. Fletch for the Photoshop work) or the incessant reminders, today is the LAMB’s first birthday.

I might normally try to say something profound here, like “The experience I’ve had growing and learning with all you LAMBs has taught me…,” but I won’t. Instead, I’ll leave that to you (maybe) and just post a couple funny ecards, ’cause I’m lazy like that some days, and today is one of them.

Happy Halloween, too!

9 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, LAMB!

  1. Happy Birthday LAMB! Thought it had been around a year since this started. A wonderful resource for film fans out here. Proud to be a LAMB. Keep up the good work (nice banner)!

  2. Happy Birthday! to you Fletch and the LAMB (Sheep) Family!…From a “new” LAMB who(m) just joined the Large Association of Movie Blogs this month.
    dcd šŸ˜‰

  3. There was a time when I could nestle little Lamb in the crook of my arm. And now look at you. You’re big and you eat a lot, and I love ya.

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